For thousands of years, sound has been used in many cultures, to aid wellbeing. I take a look at the brands who are using it to benefit skin.

For a few years now I have enjoyed experiencing Gong Bath Meditation & Crystal Singing Bowl healing. It’s an incredible experience where the practitioner will play each Gong/ bowl of various size, to emit a unique sound whilst you lie there, allowing the sound waves to ‘wash’ over you. The result of this vibrational experience is restorative and can give a boost to your well being.
The principal behind this ,is that everything is on a vibrational frequency due to the Earths electromagnetic field ...a little bit like a radio station, and depending what ‘frequency ‘ you’re ‘tuned’ into , that will determine what radio station you’re experiencing.
For quite a few years radio frequency has been used in various beauty salon treatments to help firm and tighten the skin.
But now we have frequency in skincare.
Multi-award winning Organic & Vegan brand, Skn-rg ( pioneered a unique technique called Quanta Wave Technology back in 2011. This groundbreaking discovery uses various sound frequencies & light waves to enhance the potency in all their Certified skincare range. All products are packed full of the highest-grade botanical extracts along with the finest natural ingredients from the land and the sea. Hero products like Eye Elixir, Miracle Mask and Flash Balm Makeup Remover have quite the celebrity following and a joy to use. Available from Amaranth, Bramhall.
“Everything resonates...” says Celebrity Facialist, Marie Reynolds ,who has created two skin products nicknamed The Epidermal Blanket ( £160 includes copper wand). ” Human beings resonate at 528 MHz. Essential oils lower in MHz can help to benefit physical conditions and pathogens, whereas essential oils with a higher MHz benefit the mental and emotional ones.” The two step program is designed to bring an abundance of nutrients, antioxidants, healing agents and hydration to the skin. A beautifully crafted oil containing Rose, Frankincense & Neroli, followed by a nourishing balm-like cream together with an anti inflammatory copper wand, helps to improve the performance of these skin saviours.
Watch this space for more brands who will no doubt be on the same wavelength as these trailblazers.
Armand Beasley is a celebrity makeup artist and beauty columnist. He is a regular contributor to beauty magazines and publications, and appears on TV, radio and podcasts.